Gutsy Case

Gutsy offers hybrid dog food with insects and chicken, packed with high-quality proteins and delicious flavours. Hence it’s easier for dog parents to reduce their dog’s ecological pawprint. Feeding your dog and saving the planet at the same time? Yes, you can.
The founders of Gutsy asked us to help them launch their new brand of ecological dog food. We guided them through the whole journey, from a sexy brand name to a strategy to position their brand as a new player in the dog food market. As you can’t compare Gutsy with other, classic dog food brands, a unique approach towards their target audience was the only way to go.
A strategy session resulted in the brand name ‘Gutsy’, referring to someone with an edge, people who have the guts to live their life off the beaten tracks. The baseline ‘feed the adventure’ captures the brand's essence: thanks to Gutsy your dog is strong and healthy and can enjoy nature to the fullest. Finally, all Gutsy communication is based on one big idea: make memories, not footprints. Making your dog happy, without harming the planet.
With the target audience in mind, we created a premium outdoor look and feel. For both the website and the packaging, we used natural colours with a strong and fierce design. Perfect for people who know what they want and who are a big fan of the outdoors.
The sustainable aspect of Gutsy is also visible in the packaging. The bags are completely biodegradable. There are bags of 2, 6 and 10 kilograms and also three types of food: for puppies, small adults and medium/large adults. The challenge here was to distinguish these different types of food by using only one design and stickering.
To make the Gutsy-experience complete, we developed a custom e-commerce experience from start to finish. The shop resembles the Gutsy adventure using tailored illustratrions, icons & animations.
Gutsy Case